Tuesday, February 21, 2012

30 by 30 list...

This past summer I wrote a 30 by 30 list (30 things I want to do before I turn 30) and then I forgot all about it... While doing some Facebook stalking of my own profile I stumbled across it again. After reading through it I realized I had accomplished a few of the things on the list and that a few things weren't quite so important to me anymore... So I did what any list maker would do.. I revamped and rewrote it !

From today (2-21-12) I have 2 years, 7 months, and 1 day to mark all of this off! I'd better get busy!

1. Take a weekend roadtrip with no set destination
2. Kiss in the rain (DONE <3 )
3. Watch a sunrise from the top of a mountain
4. Get to my goal weight / fitness level and maintain
5. Visit 3 places on my travel list
6. Take a picture a day for 90 days (365 is too daunting for me)
7. Find a new hobby / skill that is useful (crocheting, blanket making, etc)
8. Use above mentioned skill to help others (donate blankets to needy, etc)
9. Go to a drive in movie
10. Run several (5) 5ks. (color run, warrior dash, tough mudder,….. )
11. Try Zumba class (DONE)
12. Do a Trash the Dress session
13. Start volunteering on a regular basis
14. Move J
15. Try spinning class
16. Learn to cook 5 dishes REALLY well
17. Decide on my next career move (DONE)
18. Either be in that career or be actively pursuing it (Working on it)
19. Have my debt paid off (other than student loans)
20. Not be working 2-3 jobs (DONE)
21. Trace my ancestry 
22. Go to (at least) 5 concerts (in progress.. 2 down)
23. Participate in a fundraising/awareness event for a cause (breast cancer, cancer, diabetes, etc)
24. Take a long weekend camping trip and ban any technology (phones, etc)
25. Watch people karaoke (very much doubt I’d sing)
26. Learn to ride a horse
27. Plant and maintain a flower bed/garden (DONE)
28. Sponsor 2 animals at an animal shelter and adopt at least 1
29. Take a dance class (line dance, ballroom dance, etc)
30. Walk along the beach at sunrise

1 comment:

  1. Hi there!!! Just checking the blog and I love, love this list. I like the mix of fairly short term goals (take a pic a day, watch karaoke and such) that just require a sort of stop and smell the roses, conscious of the moment living and longer term goal (pay off debt, not work 2 jobs). I have really just started setting and accomplishing my own goals the past few years. This makes me actually want to write down what is next on my agenda. Something cool about seeing it in black and white :)
