Saturday, February 25, 2012


"Bloom where you are planted"... This was a status update on my Facebook news feed. It struck a chord with me. You see a lot of times I find myself complaining about where I am in life or daydreaming of moving and how life will be so much better/exciting/more opportunities and such. The second I read that simple statement I realized that I wasn't allowing myself to fully bloom during THIS season of my life. I'm often holding back, pulling my "petals" in close not willing to open myself up, I stand in the shade instead of looking toward the sunshine. I'm not always allowing myself to be nurtured by the soil I'm currently planted in.
Yes, I'm living in a small town... but that doesn't mean I can't bloom into a bigger, better person. I may have to work 2 jobs right now, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't be thankful for and make the most of the free time I have. I've lost some friends over the past couple years, but that doesn't mean I should stop tending to the friendships I have now.
"Bloom where you are planted"... a good reminder for me to make the best of life in all areas, to keep dreaming, keep striving, keep LIVING a full life. It doesn't matter what happens in life, the world deserves to see an Ali who's vibrant, colorful,strong yet delicate, and thriving no matter if I spend days in the shade and am rooted in rocky soil.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

30 by 30 list...

This past summer I wrote a 30 by 30 list (30 things I want to do before I turn 30) and then I forgot all about it... While doing some Facebook stalking of my own profile I stumbled across it again. After reading through it I realized I had accomplished a few of the things on the list and that a few things weren't quite so important to me anymore... So I did what any list maker would do.. I revamped and rewrote it !

From today (2-21-12) I have 2 years, 7 months, and 1 day to mark all of this off! I'd better get busy!

1. Take a weekend roadtrip with no set destination
2. Kiss in the rain (DONE <3 )
3. Watch a sunrise from the top of a mountain
4. Get to my goal weight / fitness level and maintain
5. Visit 3 places on my travel list
6. Take a picture a day for 90 days (365 is too daunting for me)
7. Find a new hobby / skill that is useful (crocheting, blanket making, etc)
8. Use above mentioned skill to help others (donate blankets to needy, etc)
9. Go to a drive in movie
10. Run several (5) 5ks. (color run, warrior dash, tough mudder,….. )
11. Try Zumba class (DONE)
12. Do a Trash the Dress session
13. Start volunteering on a regular basis
14. Move J
15. Try spinning class
16. Learn to cook 5 dishes REALLY well
17. Decide on my next career move (DONE)
18. Either be in that career or be actively pursuing it (Working on it)
19. Have my debt paid off (other than student loans)
20. Not be working 2-3 jobs (DONE)
21. Trace my ancestry 
22. Go to (at least) 5 concerts (in progress.. 2 down)
23. Participate in a fundraising/awareness event for a cause (breast cancer, cancer, diabetes, etc)
24. Take a long weekend camping trip and ban any technology (phones, etc)
25. Watch people karaoke (very much doubt I’d sing)
26. Learn to ride a horse
27. Plant and maintain a flower bed/garden (DONE)
28. Sponsor 2 animals at an animal shelter and adopt at least 1
29. Take a dance class (line dance, ballroom dance, etc)
30. Walk along the beach at sunrise

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Oh Snow!

Oh snow! My area is getting hit with our first "real" snow of this winter.... I always love the snow (not driving in it though). If you're a Gilmore Girls fan like I am you'll understand this "I can smell the snow!".. For real, there have been times in the past that I've literally uttered those words. There's something peaceful and serene about the snow. The way it clings to the tree branches is one of the most beautiful sights I've ever seen. Currently my desire to stay warm and dry is overcoming my urge to go outside and take pictures.. I will post some pictures from last year's snow, it looks almost identical to this year's.
The first real snow of the season always makes me nostalgic. In the past my mom would always call me the second the snow started because she knew I'd want to rush to a window to watch and if I was home we'd have hot chocolate and I'd look out over the back of the couch to watch the snow for hours. Then I became an adult and slowly that tradition died.
More than anything the first snow reminds me of my Granny J who passed away 11 years ago. She loved the snow as much as I do and though we weren't real close while I was growing up (living hours apart and only visiting on holidays didn't help us bond much) I still miss her so much. I always associate snow with her and find myself looking back and remembering the good times we shared and wondering what she'd think of the person I am today. Sometimes family members will tell me I remind them of her and honestly it makes me proud because what I remember about her was that she was kind, strong willed, independent, successful, and beautiful. There truly was no other woman like Rosalie Jackson...

Friday, February 17, 2012

A reason, A season, or a lifetime....

Years ago, while going through a very difficult time in my life someone shared with me the idea that people come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. This simple phrase has become a large part of my life since then... I truly do believe that all people (and even events) happen in your life for a reason and those people and/or events are either their for a season or a lifetime. The people that leave our lives were only meant to be there for a short time, most likely because we needed them or they had something to teach us but they weren't meant to be a permanent fixture in our lives. This is perhaps the hardest thing I've learned, so many times I've sat and questioned why someone would disappear from my life and why certain things have happened.
This blog with often have an underlying theme of my evaluating and reflecting on why certain people are in my life and why certain events happen.
Let's talk about some of the people in my life and what they've brought or taught .....
There's my dear friend in Miami who after 20 years of friendship and long bouts of little contact is still one I know I can call on when I need to talk or need advice. She's taught me that you can overcome obstacles in your life, are stronger than you realize, and that it's not the end of the world to let loose sometimes or to voice your opinion. She's strong willed, intelligent, and kind hearted. I've learned that friends don't need to talk every day or live next door in order to remain friends.
There's Aly T who came into my life at a time when I was struggling with having a husband who was deployed, then she stood next to me (while hundreds of miles away) as I dealt with a divorce.She helped me realized I deserved more and that I was stronger than I thought. She taught me that it was okay to guard myself but that I needed to be willing to let love back in again, she taught me to always look toward the sun in my darkest days, she taught me that you don't have to meet someone in person first to have a strong friendship. Aly T is no doubt going to be in my life for a lifetime. This lady came into my life for a reason... because I needed that person I could call at 3 am, I needed someone willing to call 30 times a day , I needed that best friend who could literally tell by the way I answered the phone that I indeed was not ok even if I tried to say I was. I needed that friend who laughed with me when something funny actually happened, who encouraged me to find something I was passionate about and to reach for my dreams. I needed that best friend, the sister I'd never had..and she was brought into my life when I needed her most... 5 years later and she's still all of those things.. her living in Japan makes things difficult but this season won't last forever...

There's J who though we went to high school together it wasn't until 2009 that she came into my life as a close friend. She was there as I was learning how to function "riding solo" and she taught me how to have fun again. We were in a similar season of life at the time and it seemed to bond us. She taught me that kindness and genuine goodness still exists in the world. She reminded me that I have a lot to be thankful for and that a smile is the easiest way to brighten someones day. She taught me that true friends invest in each other's lives, she taught me you don't have to be blood to be family. Then she went and got married on me and seeing her marriage she's showed me that a good, happy, equal marriage is possible and that sometimes love really does come at unexpected times. She taught me that sometimes life events happen quicker than you expect but those are sometimes the biggest blessings. And her beautiful daughter has already taught me that I can be completely in love with a child who isn't mine.

Oh my goodness I still have people to share with you, those "lifetime" people who've came into my life for a reason.. but it's 11:30p.m... I'm tired.... and I work in the morning... Expect a continuation of this later...and of course I'll dish some about the people who's seasons in my life have expired and what I've learned from them....

A little about me...

Most of you that are reading this most likely already know me... but for those of you who may not here's the basics : I work a lot, I live a lot, I over think things, I laugh a lot, I'm silly but sometimes too serious, I'm happy but reflective, I ALWAYS have songs in my head and I'm known to start dancing randomly. I'm not much of a writer but I always have something to talk about.
This is my 3rd attempt at keeping a blog. With some encouragement and pushing from friends along with a crazy desire to be a blogger I'm trying this again. I have friends who want to keep up with my life and who knows maybe I'll touch someone's life who I've never met. Or I may just annoy people. LOL.
I have a feeling I'll have a lot to write about as I'm starting a new season in my life. I have just started my first Master's degree class and though already stressed I'm looking forward to the career opportunities I will have shortly. I have just moved back home. I have lost some people in my life and I've gained some people as well. My life is boring sometimes but it's usually pretty crazy too so my posts may be random a lot.