"Bloom where you are planted"... This was a status update on my Facebook news feed. It struck a chord with me. You see a lot of times I find myself complaining about where I am in life or daydreaming of moving and how life will be so much better/exciting/more opportunities and such. The second I read that simple statement I realized that I wasn't allowing myself to fully bloom during THIS season of my life. I'm often holding back, pulling my "petals" in close not willing to open myself up, I stand in the shade instead of looking toward the sunshine. I'm not always allowing myself to be nurtured by the soil I'm currently planted in.
Yes, I'm living in a small town... but that doesn't mean I can't bloom into a bigger, better person. I may have to work 2 jobs right now, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't be thankful for and make the most of the free time I have. I've lost some friends over the past couple years, but that doesn't mean I should stop tending to the friendships I have now.
"Bloom where you are planted"... a good reminder for me to make the best of life in all areas, to keep dreaming, keep striving, keep LIVING a full life. It doesn't matter what happens in life, the world deserves to see an Ali who's vibrant, colorful,strong yet delicate, and thriving no matter if I spend days in the shade and am rooted in rocky soil.
"The blog is so simple and sweet , yet it has a lot of depth in it .. It gives a sense of calmness and peace .." That's what I felt, Good one.